Survey of Russian-language non-news media content preference among residents of Armenia

Survey of Russian-language non-news media content preference among residents of Armenia

Date: 20220801 - 20221031
Status: Completed
Impact area: Media

The aim of this project is to understand the preferences of Russian language media content (non-news) among the residents of Armenia after the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022 through opinion survey with application of multi-method approach (quantitative: Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI); Qualitative: Online focus group discussion).

The research questions include the following:

  1. What media programs do respondents prefer?
  2. What characteristics do respondents specifically consider in shaping their content preferences of media programs?
  3. In what frequency do respondents consume Russian language non-news content?
  4. Through what media channels do respondents consume Russian language non-news content?