Final Evaluation of the Project “EU4Youth: Better Skills for Better Transition”

Final Evaluation of the Project “EU4Youth: Better Skills for Better Transition”

Date: 20181201 - 20200101
Status: Completed
Funder: European Union through Save the Children International
Impact area: Youth
Final Evaluation of the Project “EU4Youth: Better Skills for Better Transition”

Project Description

The goal of the project is to conduct summative evaluation of the project EU4Youth: Better Skills for Better Transition. The main addressees of the final evaluation are Save the Children and the EU.

The evaluation aims at providing detailed and in-depth information about the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project, to determine the extent to which the project targets were met at output and outcome levels, to document lessons learned, identify unexpected or unplanned issues that might have hindered or facilitated the success of the project and to provide practical recommendations for follow-up questions.

Research Design

The evaluation has two main components:

Secondary data analysis.
Primary data collection and analysis.

Primary data will be gathered through:

key informant interviews with Ministries and/or employment services;
trainers and other experts involved in project implementation;
phone interviews with business owners or employers that employed disadvantaged youth as a result of the project under consideration;
focus group discussions with youth;
an online survey (as a supplementary method) with youth;
group discussions with partner organizations staff, trainers and other experts involved in project implementation.

Outputs(not available yet)

Inception Report
Final Evaluation Report