Satenik Mkrtchyan

Satenik Mkrtchyan

Senior Fellow

2007 Fellowship Program fellows

Public Participation in School Management in Armenia: School Boards | Presentation | Recommendations

Satenik Mkrtchyan will investigate the reasons for the ineffective and insufficient participation of parents in school boards in secondary school governance processes in Armenia. She plans to conduct a thorough research review, as well as interviews and/or focus groups among experts (policy makers and representatives of agencies involved in the school reforms), parents involved in parents’ councils and school boards; and teachers and headmasters from a dozen schools in different regions of Armenia. Since parents’ participation in the school management system is a form of civic participation, understanding the participation issues at the level of Armenian school boards may contribute to a broader understanding of civil society issues in Armenia. As a result of this study, the researcher plans to publish articles in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals and the local journal Education of the Ministry of Education and Science. She also plans to organize round tables and public discussions involving local and international agencies and NGOs interested in educational reforms and democratization issues in Armenia, and develop policy recommendations and disseminate them to the relevant policy makers.

E-mal: [email protected]