Dr. Anahit Mkrtchyan

Dr. Anahit Mkrtchyan

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

The Challenges of Women in Armenia’s Employment Sector (full text paper) | Recommendations

The purpose of this research is to help encourage women in Armenia to play an increasingly active role in political and socio-economic life in Armenia . The fellow proposes to reach this aim by studying the number and quality of vocational trainings available and acquired by women in Armenia , as well as the perception of women in Armenia ‘s society. The fellow will conduct this research by using the data available through the CRRC 2004 Data Initiative database, and will gather information from employment service centres in five different regions of Armenia to assess the current situation of women in the employment sector. She will answer the following questions: What are the difficulties of women acquiring and accessing vocational training? How active are women in the employment sector? What are the differences of women and men in political and socio-economic sector? The fellow will finally produce an analytical report on research results, a recommendations paper for policy makers, and an article to be published in various journals and magazines. These products will be disseminated to members of the research community and to policy-makers.

Dr. Anahit Mkrtchyan holds a PhD in Sociology from Yerevan State University . She has extensive experience in conducting research in social sciences.
E-mail: [email protected]