Dr. Gohar Shahnazaryan

Dr. Gohar Shahnazaryan

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

Gender Issues in Contemporary Armenia (full text paper) | Recommendation

Gohar Shahnazaryan conducts this research w ith the purpose to analyze gender trends in contemporary Armenian society. The fellow proposes to reach this aim by studying social institutions and migration movements from the gender perspective, as well as changes in the social status of men and women in contemporary Armenian society. To conduct this research the fellow will use the CRRC 2004 Data Initiative database and conduct a qualitative sociological survey. The fellow will attempt to answer the following questions: What are the attitudes related to gender equality in Armenia ? What are the causes and obstacles for women’s involvement in socio-political institutions? Based on the research results, the fellow will produce an analytical paper and a recommendation paper for members of the research community and policy makers on the effective development and implementation of a gender policy in Armenia . The fellow will also conduct a roundtable to describe the research results and recommendations to the research community and policy-makers, particularly from Armenia ‘s National Action Plan on Women’s Role Improvement 2004-2010.

Dr. Gohar Shahnazaryan holds a PhD in Sociology, and has a several years of experience in studying gender issues in Armenia.
[email protected]