Ms. Nazik Gabrielyan

Ms. Nazik Gabrielyan

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

Migration of People from the Shirak Region, Republic of Armenia: A Geographical Survey | Articles | Bulletins

The overall aim of Nazik Gabrielyan’s research is to study the causes and forms of labour migration in the Shirak Region of Armenia from 1988 until 2005. The fellow proposes to reach this aim by studying trends and factors of labour migration within the respective period, trends of rural and urban migration in the region, and the influence of labour migration on various aspects of socio-economic life of the region. The fellow intends to apply methodologies that are used in geographical and demographical sciences, incorporating them with elements derived from sociological methods (both qualitative and quantitative). Based on the research results, the fellow will produce a monograph on migratory movements from the Shirak Region. She will also develop and publish two scientific articles and two information bulletins (300 copies each) that will be disseminated to policy makers, research community and all interested audiences.

Ms. Nazik Gabrielyan has several years of experience in studying migratory processes in Armenia , with special attention to the Shirak region, as reflected in various publications.

E-mail: [email protected]