Hayk Smbatyan joined CRRC-Armenia first as Communications Specialist during 2018-2019. From 2019 onwards he was engaged in the Center’s activities as an Independent Researcher. Since July 2022, Hayk has taken the position of Deputy Research Director at the Centre. Currently a PhD graduate in Sociology at Yerevan State University, Hayk holds an MSSc degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Uppsala University (Sweden), as well as a Master’s degree in Research Methodology and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, both from Yerevan State University. Hayk specializes in the studies of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, human rights research and media studies, and is the author of several academic articles and analytical reports on the subjects. Since 2013, he has been actively engaged with academic institutions, research institutes, and civil society organizations in Armenia, Eastern Partnership countries, and the broader European context.