A New Meaning of Human Intelligence – Social IQ and Rewire Your Brain
A New Meaning of Human Intelligence – Social IQ and Rewire Your Brain
October 1, 2009

Recent advances in the fields of neuroscience, modern brain research and behavior genetics indicate that there are factors, more important than intellectual competencies, to overall academic and life success. They related to our ability to understand and manage our emotions, control our behaviors, accurately interpret the events and situations and interact successfully with others.
On September 28-29, 2009 CRRC-Armenia, in collaboration with Irene Gyulnazarian Educational Foundation for Armenia organized two workshops conducted by John B. Arden, Ph.D and Ruzanna V. Ohanjanian, Ph.D (USA). During the first workshop “A New Meaning of Human Intelligence – Social IQ” Ruzanna Ohanjanian provided an overview of the major categories of various conceptions of intelligences, as well as discussed the principles and applications of the social and emotional intelligence. The second workshop “Rewire Your Brain” by John Arden was based on recent developments in neuroscience and evidence-based treatment. The lecturer described how to “rewire” your brain based on well researched principles that work. Participants learned how to deal with normal anxiety and feeling down in the dumps, as well as about healthy habits to enhance brain’s longevity and to maximize a vibrant life free of self-imposed limitations.
View more presentations from Gohar Khachatryan.
Ruzanna Ohanjanian, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Educator, Executive/Corporate Coach, has completed her Post-Doctoral Studies at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center and is a California licensed Clinical Psychologist with over twenty years of extensive clinical, educational, executive coaching and corporate consulting experience. The list of companies she has worked with includes Microsoft Corporation, Ford Corporation, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Paramount Great America, Alaska Airlines, etc. After the tragedy of 9-11, Ruzanna was one of the California clinicians privileged to be providing assistance for a live hotline at the KGO TV studio for San Francisco Bay Area.
Dr. John Arden, the Director of Training in Mental Health for Kaiser Permanente in the Northern California Region, is the author and co-author of 12 books, including (with Lloyd Linford) Brain-Based Therapy with Adults and Brain-Based Therapy with Children and Adolescents. A general audience book coming out in early 2010 is called Rewire Your Brain. Dr. Arden has a background in neuropsychology and is the director of training for mental health for the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers in Northern California. He also practices part-time at Kaiser Permanente in Petaluma and San Rafael, and he served for several years as the Chief Psychologist at Kaiser Vallejo.