Call for Applications: Corruption in Armenia
Call for Applications: Corruption in Armenia

USAID MAAC Activity and CRRC-Armenia are offering five research grants to explore primarily the database on corruption developed through the public opinion survey conducted in September-October 2008.
What issues are we looking to address?
We’re looking for applied research that addresses corruption issues our country faces. In September-October 2008, CRRC-Armenia, in coordination with USAID MAAC Activity and IFES, conducted the Armenia Corruption Household Survey to explore the public opinion and perceptions of corruption issues within different spheres of public life.
The variety of topics covered in the survey gives an opportunity to analyze different aspects and different issues concerned with corruption. The analysis may contain simple charts of frequencies and respective comments, cross tabulations or more complex regression models, especially models with limited dependent variables (logit, probit regression models). Policy oriented papers that also contain recommendations on how to combat corruption in Armenia are especially welcome.
What results?
We want you to produce quality research papers/articles or other pieces using as a primary source of information the data collected in framework of the mentioned Corruption Survey. It is expected that the developed papers will be published at least in local media outlets. However, getting published in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals will give your research international recognition. We will also help you to present you findings to relevant stakeholders’ in Armenia.
What do you get?
You will have an exclusive opportunity to explore the survey based dataset. The research grant provides an opportunity to prove your professionalism, which you can use for many other applications (jobs, consultancy work, joint research projects, conference participation, etc). In terms of remuneration, each research proposal will enjoy about 380 000 (gross) AMD for two months of desk study.
Who is eligibile?
Applicants must be Armenian citizens or permanent residents of Armenia. Applications may be submitted by individual social science or humanities researchers, or by researchers and journalists affiliated with academic institutions, research institutes, mass media, NGOs, think tanks, and public agencies. Research experience and publishing records, especially in the area of corruption, as well as knowledge of English are an advantage.
How to apply?
Please fill in the application form and submit it along with your updated CV (indicating all your professional activities, any research conducted, and any other experience that would help your application to be convenient) to [email protected] or bring it to CRRC-Armenia office at 52 Abovyan Str., room 305, by 17.00 (local time), May 20, 2009. The preferred language of the proposals is English, but you also can submit it in Armenian, and reserve some money within the budget for the translation of the final product in case of a successful proposal. In order to have a preliminary idea on the topics while preparing your proposal, please follow the link to download the survey questionnaires in English and Armenian and the dataset. For more ideas please also consult MAAC website at
For further information please contact Ms. Anna Sarkisyan, Program Manager, CRRC-Armenia, Tel.: (374 10) 58 13 30, 58 14 50 or E-mail: [email protected]