Caucasus Barometer Presentations
Caucasus Barometer Presentations
December 24, 2012

On Wednesday, December 12, staff members from CRRC-Armenia visited the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) and observed presentations that students had prepared using the Caucasus Barometer. Eight pairs of students each presented their findings on statistics related to the social and economic standards among Armenians, Georgians, and Azerbaijanis. Each group had a unique hypothesis and analyzed different parts of the data set. There were interesting conclusions that took an impressive amount of time and effort to develop.
Using PowerPoint presentations, the groups investigated their hypotheses by creating relevant charts and graphs. CRRC-Armenia Director Heghine Manasyan and Research Director Drew Loizeaux were on hand to offer their advice on how to best utilize the Caucasus Barometer tool and conduct social science research.
Overall, the day was a great example of CRRC’s data in action and a great outreach opportunity for the institute. Thanks to ANAU for the invitation to attend the event, and to the students for their hard work and thoughtful presentations.
Currently, we are looking forward to the presentations of a group of master’s students at ANAU on the Caucasus Barometer, and will be sure to provide an update after we attend.