Competition Policy: Issues, International Experience and Armenian Reality
Competition Policy: Issues, International Experience and Armenian Reality

It addressed the following points: (1) The importance of competition protection policy and its main directions; (2) Analysis of anti-competitive behavior and market competition: methodology, theoretical issues and practice; (3) Competition legislation and the implementation of competition protection policy in Armenia: issues and possible solutions; (4) Competition culture and protection of consumer rights: international experience and Armenian reality; (5) Competition protection and judicial system: the applicability of international experience in Armenia.
PowerPoint slides of the presentation in Armenian (ZIP file format, 145 KB) are available for download here.
If interested in economic competition issues, please follow the links below:
Activities of the European Union: Competition
The International Competition Network
State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition of the Republic of Armenia
AEPLAC Publication: Assessment of institutional standing in the fields of competition and state aid (English / Armenian)