CRRC-Armenia Conducts Training on How to Improve Survey Question Quality
CRRC-Armenia Conducts Training on How to Improve Survey Question Quality
April 29, 2013

On 17 and 18 April, CRRC-Armenia hosted a two-day training for a select group of attendees on Prediction of the quality of survey questions using the program SQP: Improvement of questions and correction for measurement errors. The training was conducted by Melanie Revilla and Diana Zavala of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) within the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. They both work on the European Social Survey (ESS), with a focus on research methodology. The purpose of the training was to introduce two methods to evaluate the reliability and validity of survey questions and how to determine the quality of survey questions and the amount of measurement error.
RECSM has created a website to allow any researcher to use their Survey Quality Prediction (SQP) tool. The training provided the theoretical background of SQP, the practical application of SQP, and how to use the website to easily receive quality scores for survey questions. Those interested in the training materials may request them from CRRC to study on one’s own.
The attendees included participants from the Central Bank, the National Statistical Service and academic and non-governmental organizations. The attendees were engaged by the trainees, asking many questions and completing the practice exercises created for them. Certificates were given to the attendees at the completion of the training, and each attendee stated that the training met or exceeded their expectations.