Farming Practices Survey as Impact Evaluation Tool
Farming Practices Survey as Impact Evaluation Tool
October 18, 2008

Farming Practices Survey (FPS) is used to access the impact evaluation of the training component of MCA-Armenia’s Water to Market (WtM) Activity. In August 2007, MCA-Armenia conducted a public random assignment through which treatment (120) and control (80) communities (villages) were identified for the training impact evaluation. From December 2007 to February 2008, 4855 farm households in these 200 villages were surveyed as part of the baseline data collection.
The presentation, organized jointly with MCA, and conducted by Ester Hakobyan (MCA-Armenia), Anu Rangarajan and Kenneth Fortson (Mathematica Policy Research Inc., USA) on October 17, 2008. It focused on FPS Purpose and the design including sampling, questionnaire development and data archiving, as well as implementation and main findings of the survey.