Fellows Meet for a Discussion
Fellows Meet for a Discussion
October 24, 2007

On October 23, 2007 CRRC-Armenia initiated a meeting with the fellows of 2007 to discuss the progress of their research projects and the problems they may encounter while conducting their research. Another objective of the meeting was to facilitate networking and idea exchange among fellows.
Each of the fellows briefly presented his/her research, the progress made and the problems they faced during the implementation. In general, all of them pointed out that their activities are within the work plans foreseen, while the main difficulty was getting official statistical data from state bodies needed for their research.
In addition, some research fellowship management related questions were addressed and discussed with the CRRC staff. The atmosphere contributed to a constructive discussion where both CRRC-Armenia staff and the fellows benefited. The meeting may hopefully support the fellows for producing high quality research products.
Senior Fellowship