School-to-Work Transitions after Two Decades of Post-Communist Transition
School-to-Work Transitions after Two Decades of Post-Communist Transition
June 12, 2009

There have always been differences between countries, and between regions within countries, in the proportions of young people following different career routes. Similarly, there have been changes over time in some places in the proportions following the different career paths. Yet the evidence indicates that the career paths themselves have remained remarkably constant over time, and across different territories. The main career groups are those who obtain jobs paying salaries that will support a western-type lifestyle, who are employed in continuous regular private or public sector or business, those who are under-employment and the ones, that are unemployed.
On June 11, 2009 Professor Kenneth Roberts conducted a lecture entitled “School-to-Work Transitions after Two Decades of Post-Communist Transition: What’s New?”. The lecture was based on the paper produced within the research on “Youth transitions and their family-household contexts in the South Caucasus”, which discusses the processes that have created and which maintain the divisions between these groups.