Using Moodle Open Source eLearning System for Local eCourses
Using Moodle Open Source eLearning System for Local eCourses

PowerPoint slides of the training are available online here.
The participants learnt how to adapt the layout of a Moodle site, how to manage users (including authentication, enrollments, course groups and the roles system), back up an entire site and individual courses. In addition, participants explored many of the features which impact the experience of tutors and learners. Particularly, the examples of Armenian Distance Learning Network and CRRC Research Fellowship 2007 application process were used. Under the guidance of the trainer, participants reviewed the principal administrative options of a Moodle site. Wherever possible participants engaged in activities to assess the impact of the various settings and options.
Albert Poghosyan holds a Master Degree in Electronic Governance from Salford University (UK). Currently he is doing research on Identity Management and Authorization technologies and teaching IT Project Management.