Agnethe Ellingsen
International Fellow2013
Agnethe is current a MA student in Centrals Asian and Caucasian Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin, with a concentration on Geography and Development. She obtained her BA in European and American Studies at University of Oslo, including exchange studies at Kazan State University in Russia and Fudan University in Shanghai.
Before coming to Armenia, she also interned at The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in Tajikistan as part of a research project for her Masters Studies, where she is focusing on the impact of brain drain on the hydro power industry in Tajikistan and Armenia. In the past she also interned with The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin and the German Business Association Georgia in Tbilisi.
She is especially interested in the economic development of the CIS countries and is looking forward to continue with a MBA after completing her current Master’s degree.
In addition to her native Norwegian and German, she also speaks English and Russian as well as basic Polish, Persian and French.