Anahit Gulyan

Anahit Gulyan

Senior Fellow

2006 Fellowship Program fellows

Opportunities and Prospects for the Development of State Mandatory Medical Insurance in Armenia | Brochure

The current fellowship research is conducted by Anahit Gulyan. Her research aims at developing a system that will enable people in Armenia to benefit from medical insurance service. The researcher believes that the establishment of the State Mandatory Medical Insurance model will provide this opportunity. To create the model the researcher will focus on the following issues:

– identify possible financing scenarios for the medical services;
– outline medical services which may be delivered to the population within these models;
– determine the minimum amount of insurance payments, upon which the State Mandatory Medical Insurance budget will not have deficits within the given fiscal year.

The final results of the research will enhance the effectiveness of processes in the medical insurance market and other related spheres in the Republic of Armenia (RA).

The fellow will produce an analytical report on research results, publish booklets, submit recommendation package to the RA Ministry of Health and big insurance companies operating in Armenia, which will include possible ways for establishing State Mandatory Medical Insurance, the list of medical services and the relevant insurance premiums.

Ms. Anahit Gulyan holds Master degree from the department of Mathematics, the center of Actuarial Sciences of YSU. Currently she is the head of the Analytical Department, “Nork” Information-Analytical Center CJSC, also a Senior Expert Actuary-analyst at the same center.

E-mail: [email protected]