Liana Hakobyan

Liana Hakobyan

Senior Fellow

2007 Fellowship Program fellows

Physical Activity Prevalence and Barriers to Physical Activity Among Yerevan’s Adult Population /draft/

Liana Hakobyan will investigate patterns of physical activity among Yerevan’s adult population. She will explore the extent of physical activity fo adults in Yerevan, the health risks adults face when they have a sedentary life style, barriers preventing physical activity and how an effective public health policy can be designed to improve the health status of adults. Furthermore, conducting a cross-sectional population-based telephone survey of Yerevan’s adult population, the researcher will investigate whether any correlations exist between age, gender, education, marital status, occupation status and income of Yerevan adults and their level of physical activity. The results of the study should be of great interest to health policy makers. Reliable information on this issue may lend support and credibility to their efforts in promoting legislative action. This information can also influence city construction plans, zoning and other policies and may also encourage the provision of increased access to walking and bicycling, not least by constructing separate bike lanes.

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