Mr. Samvel Manukyan

Mr. Samvel Manukyan

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

Socio-Political Trends in the South Caucasus: the Use of Mathematical Instruments

The goal of Samvel Manukyan’s research is to help contribute to the reduction of internal and external conflicts in the South Caucasus . The researcher will utilize mathematical methods (regression and factorial analysis) to conduct a cross-country analysis of data available through the CRRC 2004 Data Initiative database and to define and disclose social and psycho-social behaviors in Yerevan , Tbilisi and Baku . The fellow intends to develop mathematical models to explain social and political trends and behaviors in the region. The fellow will produce a final report on research results, a monograph and four articles to be published in various journals and magazines. These products will be disseminated to members of the research community and to policy-makers.

Mr. Samvel Manukyan holds an Honors Diploma on System Modeling, Mathematical Programming, and Control Systems from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (YPI), and an Honors Diploma on Technical Translations from the Faculty of Humanitarian Professions at the same institute. He has extensive experience in evaluation and monitoring, methodology and database elaboration and analysis. He has published 5 monographs and over 20 scientific articles.

E-mail: [email protected]