Mr. Sasun Muradyan

Mr. Sasun Muradyan

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

Increasing the Quality of Armenia’s Secondary Education System: The Need for Effective Management of Public Funds (full text paper)

The purpose of Sasun Muradyan’s research is to help raise the quality of secondary education in Armenia . The fellow proposes to reach this aim by studying public expenditures on secondary education institutions, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of current private and public secondary educational services. A special focus will be made on current trends and conditions in remote rural settlements. Over the course of the research the fellow will conduct two case-studies relevant to private and public secondary education institutions. The final research results will be summarized during a desk-study. At the end of the project, the fellow will complete a final report on research results as well as a recommendations paper to help improve the financial planning and resources available for Armenia ‘s educational system.

Dr. Sasun Muradyan holds a Diploma in World Economics from the Institute of National Economy in Yerevan , Armenia . He has several years of professional experience as an economist for the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

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