Ms. Gohar Jerbashian

Ms. Gohar Jerbashian

Senior Fellow

2005 Fellowship Program fellows and their research topics

Child Poverty in Armenia

The purpose of Gohar Jerbashyan’s research is to help combat child poverty in Armenia . The fellow proposes to reach this purpose by studying the socio-economic conditions of households with children, by measuring general poverty and inequality indicators, by modeling policies that help reduce child poverty reduction, and by estimating the impact of these recommended policies on targeted households. The fellow intends to apply poverty measurement and monitoring indicators that are widely used in European Union member countries, and evaluate the child poverty level in Armenia with respect to these indicators. The fellow will conduct this research by using the data available from the CRRC 2004 Data Initiative and Family Poverty Benefit (FPB) databases. Based on the research results, the fellow will produce a final report, recommendations paper for a child social security policy in Armenian, and conduct a public presentation for research community members, policy makers, local and international organizations involved in child poverty reduction programs.

Ms. Gohar Jerbashian holds a Diploma of Mathematician and MBA. She has been involved in Poverty Reduction Strategy Program (PRSP) as an Expert in Pension Insurance.

E-mail: [email protected]