
Sona Balasanyan joined the CRRC-Armenia team in August 2016. Sona holds MA (2009) and PhD (2012) degrees in Sociology from the Yerevan State University (YSU), as well as MSc in Education (Research Design and Methodology) from the University of Oxford, Department of Education, UK (2015). During her time in the UK, she passed an internship at the Oxford Learning Institute. Since 2010, as an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, YSU, Dr. Balasanyan has delivered a series of courses (including Media Text Analysis, Evaluation Methodologies, and Mixed Methods Research). She was involved in project-based activities collaborating with national and international organizations among which the US Department of State, UNDP, CRRC-Armenia, Open Society Foundation, State Committee of Science and Scientific Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (the Matenadaran). Sona was a Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung scholarship holder, an AGBU scholar and is a Luys alumna. She has authored three books (in Armenian), articles, essays and analytical reports.
Curriculum Vitae