Our latest updates.

Presentation on Corruption Survey Data in Armenia
Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC)-Armenia under the program of USAID Mobilizing Actions Against Corruption (MAAC) has conducted surveys...
Orientation Training: How to Get Media Resources
On July 15, 2010, CRRC-Armenia organized orientation training, delivered by Ms. Gohar Khachatryan on the topic "How to...

Better Regulation and Less Red Tape Drive Economic Development
On June 8, 2010 CRRC-Armenia, in cooperation with the Department of Economics of the Yerevan State University and...

Towards Performance Based Utility Sector in Armenia: Case of Drinking Water Supply Services
On May 31, 2010 Liana Mkhitaryan presented the main findings of her research "Towards Performance Based Utility Sector...
Caucasus Barometer | A New Name for the CRRC’s Data Initiative
The CRRC’s annual Data Initiative Survey will be renamed into the Caucasus Barometer starting from 2010. At CRRC,...
The Number and Reintegration of Armenian Migrants
On May 6, 2010 Vahram Gharakhanyan presented the main findings of his research "The Number and Reintegration of...

Domestically Issued Public Debt as a Sustainable Alternative Instrument to Meet the Needs of Public Budget Deficit
On April 29, 2010, Artak Kyurumyan presented the main findings of the research "Domestically Issued Public Debt as...
Monetary Symbols of the Armenian Dram, U.S. Dollar and Euro
On April 22, 2010 CRRC-Armenia together with Chair of Finances and Accounting, Faculty of Economics at YSU organized...

Pitfalls on the Way of Enforcement of Seat Belt Rules in Armenia
Starting from August 2009 the obligation to wear the seat belts is strictly enforced by the traffic police....

Round Table: Global Development Strategies
On April 9, 2010, CRRC-Armenia together with Yerevan State University hosted a round table on Global Development Strategies,...

Next Stage of CRRC Corruption Survey Results: What Business Leaders Say
CRRC team has delivered presentations in English and Armenian on the outcomes of corruption survey, carried out in...

Multiculturalism: A Look Inside
On March 11, CRRC-Armenia in partnership with Academic Fellowship Program, HESP, OSI organized a lecture-discussion “Multiculturalism: A Look...