Our latest updates.

Presentations of Exploratory Research on Corruption
On August 14, 2009 Yevgenya Paturyan, Bagrat Harutyunyan and Anna Martirosyan presented findings of their exploratory research on...

CRRC Presents the Data Initiative 2008 Survey
Yerevan, Armenia. On July 28th (at 11:00 AM in the Picasso hall of the Congress Hotel, 1 Italy...

Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia
As a part of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation "Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia" project a...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
Within the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults on the issue of corruption in Armenia, another...

Announcing New Fellowship | UC Berkeley Scholars Workshop
The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ISEEES) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), in...

Data Quality Issues and Fixes
Fritz Scheuren, a professor at the University of Chicago and president of the American Statistical Association, presented a...

2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households Report
2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households report highlights the main findings of USAID MAAC Activity Corruption Survey of...

Erasmus Mundus Programme Students Visit CRRC-Armenia
Erasmus Mundus Programme students from various countries, including Italy, Greece, Bulgary, Georgia, Latvia, were introduced to the resources...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
In April 2009 CRRC-Armenia was graciously awarded funding by the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults...

The 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology takes place in Yerevan State University
On June 12, 2009, CRRC-Armenia Country Director, Heghine Manasyan chaired a regular session "Youth Transitions and the South...

School-to-Work Transitions after Two Decades of Post-Communist Transition
There have always been differences between countries, and between regions within countries, in the proportions of young people...

Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the Survey Dataset with the Use of Statistical Software
On May 23 and May 27, 2009, CRRC-Armenia held two trainings entitled “Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the...