Our latest updates.

Access to JSTOR collections through GDN
Global Development Network has granted free access to JSTOR Journal Collection (Business, Business II and Arts and Science...

ARMACAD Yahoo! Group
If you are interested in receiving announcements on local and international workshops, conferences, awards, scholarships and more directly...

Economic Issues within Improvement and Globalization of the Higher Education System in Armenia
On May 22, 2008 Hrant Harutyunyan conducted a training entitled "Economic Issues within Improvement and Globalization of the...

SPSS Online Crash Course
CRRC Regional Team has put together online crash course on SPSS, statistical software for data analysis. Watch the...

AIPRG holds its Annual Conference on the Economy of Armenia
From World Bank office in Yerevan, Armenia CRRC-Armenia Country Director Heghine Manasyan and Program Manager Arsen Aslanyan held...

Analyzing Data using Hierarchical Linear Models
On May 15-16 CRRC-Armenia organized a methodological training on "How to Analyze Data using Hierarchical Linear Models?" conducted...

Fitch Ratings and Armenia’s Sovereign Rating Outlook
On April 29, 2008 CRRC-Armenia invited a round table on Fitch Ratings and Armenia's sovereign rating outlook during...

2008 Yerevan Faculty Student Global Multidiscipline Conference on Research and Teaching
2008 Yerevan Faculty Student Global Multidiscipline Conference on Research and Teaching was held jointly by Olu Olu Institute...

Migration and Remittances: Data from CRRC DI Surveys
At the conference Migration from Armenia to Russia: the Role of Civil Society, Networks, and Dialogue with Government...

Migration from Armenia to Russia: International Conference on Migration
Eurasia Partnership Foundation, together with the Armenian organization Zinvori Mair convened a two-day international conference entitled Migration from...

Making Deposit Insurance Work for Transition: Form, Substance and Implementation
On April 15, 2008 in the frame of CRRC 2007 Fellowship Program Mr. Hayk Zayimtsyan presented the results...

Economic Forecasts Platform
Central Bank of RA has recently initiated the creation of Economic Forecasts Platform with the prime mission...