Armenia: Citizens’ Perceptions on COVID-19

Armenia: Citizens’ Perceptions on COVID-19

Date: 01-06-2020 - 01-08-2020
Status: Completed
Funder: World Bank
Impact area: Healthcare COVID-19
Armenia: Citizens’ Perceptions on COVID-19

About Project

Commissioned by the World Bank, The Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC)-Armenia Foundation conducted a representative survey of citizens in Armenia to better understand their awareness, attitudes and perceptions about the coronavirus. The survey specifically focused on the beliefs and behavior of respondents during the pandemic, trust towards public institutions and sources of information, the government’s response, future expectations regarding the pandemic, and how the respondents have been financially impacted by the virus. The results of the survey revealed that the public remains significantly concerned regarding the health and economic impacts of the virus. However, there is general approval for the government’s response to the virus and the majority of respondents maintain trust in the Armenian healthcare system.


The survey was conducted June 21-29, 2020 and targeted the adult population of Armenia via phone (CATI) using a randomly-generated mobile number list. The final sample included 774 interviews, and post-stratification weight by settlement type, age and gender were introduced based on the latest data provided by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia.


Final Report

Final Report



