CSO Engagement Modality in the Implementation of SDGs in Armenia
CSO Engagement Modality in the Implementation of SDGs in Armenia
IBON International
Impact area:
Civic Engagement

Project Description
The general objective of the Project is to assess the level and effectiveness of the civil society organization (CSO) engagement in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by the Government of Armenia, in particular toward the 2018 High Level Political Forum for which Armenia has volunteered for the assessment.
The specific objective of the Project is to study the enabling environment of CSOs to engage in the process of identifying (what is an sdg) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets and indicators in Armenia.
Research Design
The research consists of the following steps:
- desk study to explore the CSO engagement modality in the implementation of the SDGs (focus on 1 and 5) during the past 2 years;
- focus group discussions with the representatives of CSOs and public officials engaged in the Interagency Committee’s work in 2 subgroups: social and democratic;
- in-depth interviews with key-informants – experts and civil society actors.
- Questionnaires in English and Armenian
- Survey datasets SPSS