Customs Administration and Perceptions Survey

Customs Administration and Perceptions Survey

Date: 11-08-2021 - 03-08-2022
Status: Completed
Funder: World Bank
Impact area: Organizational Development Government


The objective of the Project is to enhance the efficiency of the customs administration through selected interventions and to improve capacity and administrative procedures. The results will be used to inform Government officials, provide a focus for public-private discourse, and help guide the design of key elements of future Customs activities and strategy. The main addressee of the survey is the State Revenue Committee in the framework of the Consultancy Service for World Bank Armenia under Customs Administration Development project. The achievement of the objective will be based on the following outcomes: 1. Strengthened customs administration procedures; 2. Upgraded ICT system; 3. Enhanced analytical capacity.


Around 600 survey interviews with at least 30% of women participation and five focus groups with around 55 participants were conducted.

  • Develop Research Methodological Tools;
  • Questionnaire development and testing;
  • Sampling;
  • Questionnaire review and finalization;
  • Interviewer training for fieldwork;
  • Data cleaning, analysis and report writing;
  • FG discussions, coding and report compilation.