Research of Current Socio-Political Developments
Research of Current Socio-Political Developments

About the project
The project pursues an overall Goal of promoting democracy-supporting institutions in their effort of boosting the democratization of post-revolutionary Armenia through targeted and data-driven capacity building activities, taking into consideration perceptions/estimations made by the constituency at large.
The Project Goal is envisaged to be achieved through three Specific Objectives (SO), namely:
SO #1: To map the expectations of constituents from the Government on most pressing issues e.g. health system operations, education system operations, government optimization and efficiency, local governance (community consolidation), economic, political, media, gender issues (topics to be prioritized by experts and online exploratory survey respondents) through FGDs.
SO #2: To conduct in-depth interviews with ordinary citizens on the topics raised over the FGDs to acquire data at the subjective/individual level.
SO #3: To acquire a nationwide realistic understanding/snapshot of the perceptions, concerns and estimations of the public on socio-economic and socio-political developments.