Mapping of Syrian Armenians in the Regions of Armenia and Their Needs
Mapping of Syrian Armenians in the Regions of Armenia and Their Needs
01-10-2018 - 31-12-2018
GIZ Armenia
Impact area:

Project Description
The objective of the project is to conduct needs assessment of and establish a comprehensive and user-friendly digital database on Syrian Armenians residing in the regions of Armenia. The comprehensive database with more precise and updated specified needs will help various stakeholders provide targeted intervention and take solution-driven decisions on social-economic opportunities for Syrian Armenians.
Research Design
The survey has three main phases:
1. Preparatory activities for the Database design, structure and methodology;
2. Need assessment;
3. Merging existing databases.
Within that framework, the following activities will be carried out:
2. Need assessment;
3. Merging existing databases.
Within that framework, the following activities will be carried out:
- work/collaboration with municipalities and national and international organizations engaged /experienced in working with Syrian Armenians in the regions;
- conduct interviews with key informants from these organizations;
- gather databases from municipalities/organizations;
- develop Social-Economic Survey (SES) Questionnaire;
- reach around 400 Syrian Armenians in the regions for the Survey through applying snowball technique;
- case studies of Syrian Armenian families/in-depth interviewing with the family members;
- comparative analysis of needs of Syrian Armenians in the regions with the needs of Syrian Armenians residing in Yerevan;
- involve stakeholders in joint data interpretation and data validation process.
Outputs (not available yet)
- Social-Economic Survey Questionnaire incorporated with Needs Assessment Form
- Regional Syrian Armenian Database
- Analytical Report