Public Opinion Poll on the Public Perceptions Regarding the Current Situation in Armenia

Public Opinion Poll on the Public Perceptions Regarding the Current Situation in Armenia

Date: 01-12-2020 - 01-02-2021
Status: Completed
Funder: MSI
Impact area: Politics Conflict Government
Public Opinion Poll on the Public Perceptions Regarding the Current Situation in Armenia

About the project

The research is to field a representative CATI survey with citizens in Armenia, to better understand their attitudes and perceptions at this very challenging time.  These data will inform the MSI, a Tetra Tech Company, and beyond work and engagement regarding the current situation in Armenia. Particularly, public perceptions about the outcomes of the conflict and the peace deal, the level of trust towards state institutions, public attitudes towards the current government, perceptions on the involvement of international actors, will be revealed.


According to the most recent Caucasus Barometer data (2019-2020), 97% of HHs mentioned having cell phones and only 38% of HHs mentioned having landline telephones. Hence, CRRC-Armenia proposed a random-generated mobile numbers list-based approach to the sampling.
A nationally representative sample of 600 adults (18 years and older)(1100 for the second wave poll) was achieved. Below are the details on sampling frame, control for per marz data and gender ratio.

Sampling frame: A generated full list of possible mobile numbers (starting with the following codes: +374 041/ 043/ 055/ 077/ 091/ 093/ 094/ 095/ 096/ 098/ 099) was used as a sampling frame.

Controlling for gender balance and age distribution: Targeted gender ratio was 40 percent males and 60 percent females, age distribution was monitored closely.

Controlling for geography (marz): The respondents were asked about their location/marz and generated data monitoring was conducted in order to achieve the targeted rural/urban (proportional to their respective population sizes) responses.




