Social Protection and Safety Nets for Enhanced Food Security and Nutrition in the Central Asia
Social Protection and Safety Nets for Enhanced Food Security and Nutrition in the Central Asia

Project Description
The project is implemented by the Maastricht University Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG) within the activity of Cairo Regional Bureau (RBC) of WFP aimed at undertaking a comprehensive analysis of social protection and safety nets in the Central Asian countries, with a particular focus on food and nutrition security objectives and outcomes and with a view to contribute to the development of WFP’s social protection strategy for the region.
The goal of this project is to provide an overview on social protection in Armenia and make recommendations on policy directions to strengthen social protection mechanisms to achieve food security and nutrition outcomes in the country. The objective of the project is to study social protection (particularly safety nets) from the perspective of food security and livelihoods and nutrition outcomes, informal safety nets and their importance in combating hunger and food insecurity and social protection for refugees, displaced people, as well as host communities.
Secondary review of data supplemented by qualitative research method (key informant interviews) will be used to develop the Scoping Study.
- Scoping Study for Armenia
- Executive Summary