Social Workers Associations Capacity Building
Social Workers Associations Capacity Building
01-08-2018 - 30-11-2018
EU and Austrian Development Cooperation through Hilfswerk International
Impact area:
Capacity Building
Organizational Development
Social Change

Project Description
The purpose of this survey is to conduct final evaluation of the program Social Workers in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighborhood Countries funded by European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation. The program was implemented from August 01, 2015 through May 31, 2018 in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova by Hilfswerk International, as the lead implementing organisation, in partnership with Armenian Association of Social Workers, Azerbaijan Social Work Public Union, Georgian Association of Social Workers, and Nursing Association of Moldova.
The holistic program pursued two Specific Objectives: to foster professionalization and enhancement of capacities of local Social Work Associations; and to increase the number of CSOs in the target countries that have comprehensive and modern know-how and skills on social work.
Within that framework, the final evaluation aims to find out if and/or to which extent the project activities have contributed to meeting the specific objectives; analyse the achievement of expected results within the planned time period; identify the impact of the project upon the target groups, as well as generate credible and useful information and recommendations for the Donors and partner institutions. The evaluation also includes all fifteen Small Grant projects which have been awarded to local CSOs by the co-applicants in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.
Research Design
The Evaluation has three phases with the following scope of activities:
Phase 1: Desk review; development of evaluation study instruments for structured interviews and online survey; and field-work planning;
Phase 2: Data collection through in-depth interviews; Focus Group Discussions and online survey, validation workshops and debriefings;
Phase 3: Evaluation Report.
Participatory evaluation method is applied with active involvement of all key stakeholders.
Outputs (not available yet)
- On-line Survey Questionnaire
- In-Depth Interview Guide
- Focus Group Discussions Guide
- Final Evaluation Report