STEP/Skills Measurement Research Study

STEP/Skills Measurement Research Study

Date: 20120601 - 20130701
Status: Completed
Funder: World Bank
Impact area: Capacity Building Work and Employment
STEP/Skills Measurement Research Study

Project objective

The STEP Skills Measurement Study looks at skills in the adult population.  It examines how skills are related to job opportunities and labor productivity. The information collected will help to understand today’s challenges in the labor market and identify ways to create a more skilled workforce to improve economic performance.
This study is being conducted in other countries too.
The results of the study provide an opportunity to establish relationships between skills and economic opportunity around the world.

Research design

The study consists of three components:
  1. Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) Workforce Development (WfD) analytical report
  2. STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey of a sample of 400 employers in urban areas in all the marzes of Armenia
  3. STEP Skills Measurement Household Survey with Full Literacy Assessment of a sample of 3,000 households in urban areas in all the marzes of Armenia


For detailed information, please visit the STEP page on the World Bank website. Database and supporting documents are available here.