Sustainable School Meals Project: Outcome Monitoring Survey
Sustainable School Meals Project: Outcome Monitoring Survey
01-10-2017 - 01-01-2018
The World Food Programme
Impact area:

Project Description
The purpose of monitoring activity is to assess the outcome of Sustainable School Meals Project. CRRC-Armenia conducts an outcome monitoring aiming at baseline measurement of Sustainable School Meals Project outcome-related indicators, which are measured across categories of nutrition, education, local development, local participation, capacity building and feedback mechanisms.
The outcome monitoring data complements regular monitoring data collected by the WFP Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Specifically, the outcome monitoring has the following objectives:
- assess the outcome of Sustainable School Meals Project,
- monitor the adequacy of processes in achieving project objectives.
Research Design
The outcome monitoring measures the categories and indicators by using quantitative and qualitative methods.
Quantitative methods:
- Analysis of Records: A desk research of Sustainable School Meals Project and other relevant project data. Specifically, school meals menus, student attendance records, retailer registration and procurement data for the school meals.
- Survey Method: The method addresses the parents (1054), headmasters (265) and kitchen helpers (75).
Qualitative methods:
- Key Informant In-depth Interviews with District Educational Departments and Sanitary and Epidemiology Services representatives.
- Focus Group Discussions with representatives/heads of parent associations.
- Questionnaires in English and Armenian
- Survey data-sets SPSS
- Informant interviews and focus group discussions guides
- Analytical report