The Diaspora, Historical Memory and Political Activism in Armenia

The Diaspora, Historical Memory and Political Activism in Armenia

Date: 20181001 - 20181231
Status: Completed
Funder: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH (WZB- Social Science Research Center Berlin)
Impact area: History and Memory
The Diaspora, Historical Memory and Political Activism in Armenia

Project Description

The objective of this initiative is to conduct a survey for the project “Diaspora, Historical Memory and Political Activism in Armenia“under implementation by WZB researchers Dr. R.Hakimov and M. Schaub. The overall project seeks to investigate: influence from the past, in the form of historical memorization, and influence from abroad, in the form of diasporas.
The survey will help collect detailed survey data on, among other issues:
  1. features and preconditions of political activism in Armenia;
  2. the level and quality of political information received from diaspora contacts;
  3. the extent to which political efficacy and optimism is impacted by having contacts in the US as compared to Russia.

Research Design

The survey is conducted in close partnership with the WZB researchers and has the following main phases:
  1. Questionnaire set-up and translation into Armenian;
  2. Training and set-up of interviewers;
  3. Field interviews in Armenia for a total of 2,800 household respondents and online interviews among Armenian diaspora representatives who live in the USA and Russia;
  4. Data archiving.

Outputs (not available yet)

  • Survey Questionnaire
  • Databases