
Our latest updates.

Central Asia Barometer

Central Asia Barometer

The aim of this project to identify the perceptions of citizens on the political and economic situation in...

March 17, 2023
Public Opinion on Country Priority Areas

Public Opinion on Country Priority Areas

Objectives The project pursues an overall goal of promoting democracy-supporting institutions in their effort of boosting the democratization...

March 10, 2023
Community Poverty Reduction “Know How” Project

Community Poverty Reduction “Know How” Project

The Community Poverty Reduction “Know How” program seeks to identify the multidimensional aspects of poverty and strengthen the...

June 1, 2022
Measuring Public Perception on Free Legal Aid in Armenia in 2 Pilot Marzes

Measuring Public Perception on Free Legal Aid in Armenia in 2 Pilot Marzes

Project Description Overall objective of this assignment is to conduct a survey with the purpose of measuring public...

January 10, 2023
Youth perceptions of peace and security in South Caucasus

Youth perceptions of peace and security in South Caucasus

Project Description The study provides insights into how young women and men (aged 18-29) experience their circumstances and...

January 11, 2023
EU4YOUTH: Student Democracy Now

EU4YOUTH: Student Democracy Now

Objective: To protect the rights of young people and strengthen the capacities of students and student organizations and...

September 2, 2022
Unpacking migration in the Caucasus: Evaluating what we know for action

Unpacking migration in the Caucasus: Evaluating what we know for action

This project aims to identify and address issues in migration data collection in Armenia and the broader South...

June 23, 2022
Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Armenia

Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Armenia

Objective: To obtain the most accurate possible public opinion data about: (a) Public perceptions of state institutions, (b)...

August 12, 2022
Rapid Assessment on Assistive Technology

Rapid Assessment on Assistive Technology

The aim of the project is measuring access to assistive technology in Armenia The overall objective is to...

May 5, 2023
Survey of Russian-language non-news media content preference among residents of Armenia

Survey of Russian-language non-news media content preference among residents of Armenia

The aim of this project is to understand the preferences of Russian language media content (non-news) among the...

May 5, 2023
Survey on subsidized employment for conflict-displaced people

Survey on subsidized employment for conflict-displaced people

The main objective of this study is to better understand the different barriers the forcibly displaced population faced...

May 5, 2023
Monitoring and Assessing COVID-19 Resilience (Education, Health and Social Protection) in Armenia with Focus Groups Interviews

Monitoring and Assessing COVID-19 Resilience (Education, Health and Social Protection) in Armenia with Focus Groups Interviews

Through conducting this proposed study, CRRC-Armenia will aim to understand the resilience of everyday Armenians in overcoming the...

May 5, 2023