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Data Quality Issues and Fixes
Fritz Scheuren, a professor at the University of Chicago and president of the American Statistical Association, presented a...
2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households Report
2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households report highlights the main findings of USAID MAAC Activity Corruption Survey of...
Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
In April 2009 CRRC-Armenia was graciously awarded funding by the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults...
Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the Survey Dataset with the Use of Statistical Software
On May 23 and May 27, 2009, CRRC-Armenia held two trainings entitled “Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the...
Call for Applications: Corruption in Armenia
USAID MAAC Activity and CRRC-Armenia are offering five research grants to explore primarily the database on corruption...
A Round Table on National Identity and Tolerance
On November 18, 2008 CRRC-Armenia hosted a round table on national identity and tolerance organized by Chair of...
School Board in Armenia: Public Participation and Power Balance
On November 12, 2008 a presentation "School Board in Armenia: Public Participation and Power Balance" was conducted by...
CRRC Presents on Media Coverage in Armenia
On October 28th, CRRC Regional Director Dr. Hans Gutbrod presented findings of research on media conducted as part...
The Social and Demographic Costs of Transition
“Armenian Socio-Demographic Initiative” NGO, jointly with Yerevan State Institute of Economics, and with financial and organizational support of...
Educational Problems of Disabled Children
CRRC-Armenia fellow Anna Sargsyan carried out a research and assessed the education level, learning needs and social issues...
Lack of Adult Male Role Models in the Secondary Schools of Armenia
Careful review of research exploring gender themes in Armenia indicates gender issues in the country are currently under-evaluated...
PFA Report on “Armenia’s 2008 Presidential Election”
For those who have been far from Armenia or who have not actively followed the plethora of developments...