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Corruption problem or perception problem?
By Jan Bednorz, CRRC-Armenia Intern To follow up on my previous post that covered the Armenian institutional framework in general,...

Series of Presentations on 2010 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households
CRRC-Armenia organized series of presentations on the results of Corruption Survey results among Armenian households during 2010. The...

Corruption Trends in South Caucasus – BEEPS Recent Report
Already for the fourth time the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank initiated the...

Presentation on Corruption Survey Data in Armenia
Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC)-Armenia under the program of USAID Mobilizing Actions Against Corruption (MAAC) has conducted surveys...

Next Stage of CRRC Corruption Survey Results: What Business Leaders Say
CRRC team has delivered presentations in English and Armenian on the outcomes of corruption survey, carried out in...

Corruption Survey of Households: Comparative Results for 2008/2009
As part of the Mobilizing Action Against Corruption (MAAC) program, the CRRC has conducted a detailed corruption...

Presentations of Exploratory Research on Corruption
On August 14, 2009 Yevgenya Paturyan, Bagrat Harutyunyan and Anna Martirosyan presented findings of their exploratory research on...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
Within the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults on the issue of corruption in Armenia, another...

2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households Report
2008 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households report highlights the main findings of USAID MAAC Activity Corruption Survey of...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
In April 2009 CRRC-Armenia was graciously awarded funding by the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults...

Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the Survey Dataset with the Use of Statistical Software
On May 23 and May 27, 2009, CRRC-Armenia held two trainings entitled “Corruption in Armenia: Evaluation of the...

Call for Applications: Corruption in Armenia
USAID MAAC Activity and CRRC-Armenia are offering five research grants to explore primarily the database on corruption...