Our latest updates.

Western Academic Writing: Getting Published in a Peer-Reviewed Journal
Western Academic Writing: Getting Published in a Peer-Reviewed Journal workshop on February 26, somewhat unexpectedly drew a...

Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia
As a part of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation "Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia" project a...

Call for Applications: Corruption in Armenia
USAID MAAC Activity and CRRC-Armenia are offering five research grants to explore primarily the database on corruption...

The Foreign Trade Financing: Banking Tools of Risk Management
On April 21, 2009 CRRC-Armenia held a lecture-discussion on "The Foreign Trade Financing: Banking Tools of Risk Management"...

Orientation Training on Social Bookmarking and Networking
What is the buzz about social networks and how to benefit them? Why share bookmarks online and how...

Economic Issues within Improvement and Globalization of the Higher Education System in Armenia
On May 22, 2008 Hrant Harutyunyan conducted a training entitled "Economic Issues within Improvement and Globalization of the...

2008 Yerevan Faculty Student Global Multidiscipline Conference on Research and Teaching
2008 Yerevan Faculty Student Global Multidiscipline Conference on Research and Teaching was held jointly by Olu Olu Institute...

Economic Forecasts Platform
Central Bank of RA has recently initiated the creation of Economic Forecasts Platform with the prime mission...

MCA -Armenia One Year Later: Progress, Challenges and Next Steps
CRRC-Armenia jointly with Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Armenia held a round-table on MCA -Armenia One Year Later: Progress, Challenges...

New Books at CRRC-Armenia Library
The library has received new books. The titles will be made available via online catalog by the end...

Using Moodle Open Source eLearning System for Local eCourses
On 15th October, 2007 Albert Poghosyan conducted a training entitled "Using Moodle Open Source eLearning System for Local...
Everything You Need to Know about Blogs
On September 28, 2007 an orientation training entitled "Everything You Need to Know About Blogs" was conducted by...