Our latest updates.

Conference on Tourism and Hospitality: The Highway to Sustainable Regional Development
By CRRC-Armenia Junior Fellow Tigran Sukiasyan On June 28-30, 2013, ATA Fellows (American, Turkish, and Armenian Fellows), which...
New Fellows at CRRC-Armenia
By Peter Jones, CRRC International Fellow CRRC – Armenia is excited to announce the latest cohort of its...

Towards Performance Based Utility Sector in Armenia: Case of Drinking Water Supply Services
On May 31, 2010 Liana Mkhitaryan presented the main findings of her research "Towards Performance Based Utility Sector...
The Number and Reintegration of Armenian Migrants
On May 6, 2010 Vahram Gharakhanyan presented the main findings of his research "The Number and Reintegration of...

Domestically Issued Public Debt as a Sustainable Alternative Instrument to Meet the Needs of Public Budget Deficit
On April 29, 2010, Artak Kyurumyan presented the main findings of the research "Domestically Issued Public Debt as...

Pitfalls on the Way of Enforcement of Seat Belt Rules in Armenia
Starting from August 2009 the obligation to wear the seat belts is strictly enforced by the traffic police....

Multiculturalism: A Look Inside
On March 11, CRRC-Armenia in partnership with Academic Fellowship Program, HESP, OSI organized a lecture-discussion “Multiculturalism: A Look...

Carnegie Research Fellowship Program
CRRC is happy to announce the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program (CRFP). The program offers exceptional research opportunities...

CRRC Publication Research Fellowships 2009
CRRC Publication Research Fellowships 2009 AvailableExplore issues – handle data – satisfy your curiosity – get published...

Presentations of Exploratory Research on Corruption
On August 14, 2009 Yevgenya Paturyan, Bagrat Harutyunyan and Anna Martirosyan presented findings of their exploratory research on...

Announcing New Fellowship | UC Berkeley Scholars Workshop
The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ISEEES) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), in...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
In April 2009 CRRC-Armenia was graciously awarded funding by the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults...