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Are employed people in South Caucasus satisfied with their jobs?
By Aneta HarutyunyanCRRC-Armenia Junior Fellow Employee satisfaction is one of the ultimate goals of any organization as it can...
Gender Parity and Economic Inclusion of Women in the South Caucasus
Prepared by CRRC-Armenia fellow Urban Jaska Recently the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development issued a report on...

Corruption Trends in South Caucasus – BEEPS Recent Report
Already for the fourth time the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank initiated the...

Index of Economic Freedom for South Caucasus Countries: Cross-Country Comparison
According to the Heritage Foundation, "Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or...

International Trade Theory and Practice: Training and Prize Competition
International School of Economics at TSU (ISET) - announces a call for applications for the upcoming training...

Judicial Design and Election Disputes: Lessons from Armenia and Georgia
On June 9, 2008 CRRC-Armenia hold a lecture-discussion "Judicial Design and Election Disputes: Lessons from Armenia and Georgia"...