Our latest updates.

State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey
On November 30, 2009 CRRC-Armenia hosted a presentation on the main findings of the investigative journalistic research “State...

CRRC Presents the Data Initiative 2008 Survey
Yerevan, Armenia. On July 28th (at 11:00 AM in the Picasso hall of the Congress Hotel, 1 Italy...

Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia
As a part of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation "Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia" project a...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
Within the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults on the issue of corruption in Armenia, another...

Erasmus Mundus Programme Students Visit CRRC-Armenia
Erasmus Mundus Programme students from various countries, including Italy, Greece, Bulgary, Georgia, Latvia, were introduced to the resources...

Corruption in Armenia: Public Opinion, Behavior and Expectations
In April 2009 CRRC-Armenia was graciously awarded funding by the USAID MAAC Activity to enlighten youth and adults...

The 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology takes place in Yerevan State University
On June 12, 2009, CRRC-Armenia Country Director, Heghine Manasyan chaired a regular session "Youth Transitions and the South...

Book Presentation: “The Road to Home: My Life and Times”
On November 21, 2008 CRRC-Armenia jointly with RA National Academy of Sciences held a presentation of an autobiography...

School Board in Armenia: Public Participation and Power Balance
On November 12, 2008 a presentation "School Board in Armenia: Public Participation and Power Balance" was conducted by...

Farming Practices Survey as Impact Evaluation Tool
Farming Practices Survey (FPS) is used to access the impact evaluation of the training component of MCA-Armenia’s Water...

Technical Writing Skills for Research Papers
On August 15, 2008, CRRC-Armenia intern Dzovinar Derderian delivered a presentation on writing skills for research paper. During...

Making Deposit Insurance Work for Transition: Form, Substance and Implementation
On April 15, 2008 in the frame of CRRC 2007 Fellowship Program Mr. Hayk Zayimtsyan presented the results...