Our latest updates.

Data Quality Issues and Fixes
Fritz Scheuren, a professor at the University of Chicago and president of the American Statistical Association, presented a...

Survey Data Quality Assessment: Methodology and Techniques
The quality of data collected through sociological surveys is essential for ensuring representativeness of information, its reliability and...

Basics of Statistical and Econometric Analysis using SPSS
CRRC is committed to modernizing the skill sets of local researchers and providing hands-on opportunities to learn about...

Breakdown of Social Structure: The Hitler Salute and Nazi-Germany
CRRC-Armenia in cooperation with YERITAC YNGO hosted a lecture-discussion entitled "Breakdown of Social Structure: The Hitler Salute and...

Main Development Directions of Armenian Rural Population
A presentation on "Main Development Directions of Armenian Rural Population" was conducted by Mr. Ruben Karapetyan in the...

Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods of Sociological Research: from Explanation to Understanding
The three hour lecture on "Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods of Sociological Research: from Explanation to Understanding" was conducted...

Z-Lib Data in Armenia
Ինչպե՞ս կարող եք մտածել Z-Library-ին մատչելի լինելու և գրքեր ներբեռնելու Որպեսզի գտնելեք որակավոր բազմաթիվ գրադարանային գրադարան և անվճար...

Data Processing and Analysis
A training on "Data Processing and Analysis" was conducted on September 17-September 18 by Dr. Gary Pollock (Professor...