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Caucasus Barometer 2010 Presentation

Caucasus Barometer 2010 Presentation

On May 25, 2011, CRRC-Armenia Country Director Heghine Manasyan presented the results of Caucasus Barometer 2010 research results,...

May 27, 2011
Series of Presentations on 2010 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households

Series of Presentations on 2010 Armenia Corruption Survey of Households

CRRC-Armenia organized series of presentations on the results of Corruption Survey results among Armenian households during 2010. The...

April 28, 2011
Corruption Trends in South Caucasus – BEEPS Recent Report

Corruption Trends in South Caucasus – BEEPS Recent Report

Already for the fourth time the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank initiated the...

February 11, 2011
Presentation on Data Initiative 2009 Survey Results

Presentation on Data Initiative 2009 Survey Results

On December 1, 2010 CRRC-Armenia presented some findings of Data Initiative 2009 survey conducted among 6000 households simultaneously...

December 2, 2010
Presentation on Corruption Survey Data in Armenia

Presentation on Corruption Survey Data in Armenia

Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC)-Armenia under the program of USAID Mobilizing Actions Against Corruption (MAAC) has conducted surveys...

July 20, 2010
Caucasus Barometer | A New Name for the CRRC’s Data Initiative

Caucasus Barometer | A New Name for the CRRC’s Data Initiative

The CRRC’s annual Data Initiative Survey will be renamed into the Caucasus Barometer starting from 2010. At CRRC,...

May 19, 2010
Next Stage of CRRC Corruption Survey Results: What Business Leaders Say

Next Stage of CRRC Corruption Survey Results: What Business Leaders Say

CRRC team has delivered presentations in English and Armenian on the outcomes of corruption survey, carried out in...

March 29, 2010
Corruption Survey of Households: Comparative Results for 2008/2009

Corruption Survey of Households: Comparative Results for 2008/2009

  As part of the Mobilizing Action Against Corruption (MAAC) program, the CRRC has conducted a detailed corruption...

December 11, 2009
State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey

State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey

On November 30, 2009 CRRC-Armenia hosted a presentation on the main findings of the investigative journalistic research “State...

November 30, 2009
The Sources and Uses of Survey Data on Armenia

The Sources and Uses of Survey Data on Armenia

  On September 18, 2009 CRRC-Armenia hosted a training on "The Sources and Uses of Survey Data on...

September 18, 2009
CRRC Presents the Data Initiative 2008 Survey

CRRC Presents the Data Initiative 2008 Survey

Yerevan, Armenia. On July 28th (at 11:00 AM in the Picasso hall of the Congress Hotel, 1 Italy...

July 28, 2009
Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia

Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia

  As a part of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation "Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Armenia" project a...

July 28, 2009