Unconference for Women Participation: Voices and Actions Emerged

Unconference for Women Participation: Voices and Actions Emerged

Status: Ongoing
Funder: European Union
Impact area: Gender Human Rights
Unconference for Women Participation: Voices and Actions Emerged

The project will attempt to foster up to date discourse on gender inequality attributing priority to hearing and amplifying women’s voices. The Unconference for Women (UfW) stands as a testament to such aspirations, with multifaceted goals and objectives aimed at catalyzing knowledge exchange, empowering women from disadvantaged social groups, and bridging the gap between academia and policy, voices, and actions. 

The project will comprise three main components: an Unconference with participation of young female experts/activists, engagement of a selected number of Unconference participants in an academic writing, and a roundtable discussion involving major stakeholders.

  1. The two-day Unconference is a unique participant-driven event where attendees spontaneously shape the agenda. This platform encourages open dialogue, spontaneous sessions, and peer-to-peer learning, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas. The event will consist of several workshops/work stations, each focusing on specific groups of women, addressing labor rights, trafficking risks, forced labor, exploitation, and discrimination within these groups.
  2. The Unconference will be followed by an academic writing endeavor, driven by CRRC-Armenia’s researchers, independent experts, and 11 Unconference participants. The goal will be synthesizing and translating insights from the Unconference discussions into a comprehensive policy paper. The ongoing mentorship and training will enhance participants’ writing skills and capacity in formulating policy recommendations.
  3. The final activity will be an inclusive round table discussion, involving key stakeholders and fostering constructive dialogue among them, aiming to secure support for the suggested policy changes.

The “Unconference for Women Participation: Voices and Actions Emerged” project is implemented by the Caucasus Research Resource Center-Armenia Foundation within the period of March to September, 2024. The project is organized in the framework of “EQUAL – EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia” project, implemented by OxYGen Foundation, European Partnership for Democracy NGO, Netherlands Helsinki Committee NGO, Women’s Support Center NGO, WINNET Goris Development Foundation in cooperation with Winnet Sweden NGO. The project is funded by the European Union.