EU4YOUTH: Student Democracy Now

EU4YOUTH: Student Democracy Now

Date: 01-02-2021 - 31-01-2024
Status: Ongoing
Funder: European Union
Impact area: Youth Democracy
EU4YOUTH: Student Democracy Now


To protect the rights of young people and strengthen the
capacities of students and student organizations and empower them to
engage in public affairs.


  • Capacity-building for students and student organizations on civic activism, organizational development, research methodologies, communication and advocacy and participatory governance.
  • Support to student initiatives on monitoring HEIs, reform of student selforganization, student engagement in university governance, development of e-tools for promotion of student democracy and
  • Study of international practices and local situation and development of policy and legislative recommendations in spheres of student selforganization, student engagement in university governance, studentcentered education, reform and proper institutionalization of internship and scholarship mechanisms.
    Evidence-based policy advocacy carried out by students based on the consolidated experience acquired during the training, camps, initiatives, study trips and conducted studies.

Partners: Eurasia Partnership Foundation; Restart Foundation