Sustained Cross-border Open Data Initiative in the South Caucasus: Regional Cooperation
Sustained Cross-border Open Data Initiative in the South Caucasus: Regional Cooperation

Project Objective
The project aims at providing reliable, up-to-date and accessible data on social, political, and economic issues of the current developments in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Project Activities
- Provide quality data by developing and conducting nationwide surveys – Caucasus Barometer Wave 2019 (CB) in Azerbaijan and Georgia and World Values Survey Wave 7 (WVS) in Armenia;
- Strengthen linkages between three SC countries by organizing a regional forum/conference focused on social and political trends in the South Caucasus for the past decade;
- Further increase the capacity of trained researchers who can contribute to complex research projects and produce international quality research.
The World Values Survey seeks to help scientists and policy makers understand changes in the beliefs, values and motivations of people throughout the world. This an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious and cultural values of people in the world (in more than 120 world societies). Project’s overall aim is to analyze people’s values, beliefs and norms in a comparative cross-national and over-time perspective to assess which impact values stability or change over time has on the social, political and economic development of countries and societies.
More details are available HERE.