Public Opinion Survey on Priority Areas for the Republic of Armenia

Public Opinion Survey on Priority Areas for the Republic of Armenia

Date: 01-06-2019 - 01-04-2021
Status: Completed
Funder: CIVILITAS Foundation
Impact area: Economy Conflict Education Healthcare


This research presents a study of public opinion on four priority areas for the Republic of Armenia (health, energy, Karabakh conflict and education).


The research was carried out byCRRC-Armenia on the order of Civilnet. The data was collected in 2020 through telephone (CATI) and web (CAWI) interviews between August 15 and 29. 1100 RA citizens aged 18 and older participated in the survey.

The questionnaire of the public opinion survey on RA priority areas was developed by Civilnet experts and reviewed by the research team of CRRC-Armenia. Before data collection, the questionnaire was tested by 4 interviewers through 15 pilot interviews. As a result of testing, the questionnaire was updated. It includes 50 questions and consists of the following five sections:

  • Healthcare
  • Energy
  • Karabakh conflict resolution
  • Education
  • Socio-economic profile of respondents
  • Survey method and field work

The field work was carried out in 2020 in the period between August 15 and 29. 1100 RA adult residents were surveyed (with 95% confidence, 3% margin of error). The survey was conducted using a combination of telephone (CATI) and web (CAWI) interviews. A random phone number generation method was used to contact respondents. Initially, 10,000 randomly generated cell phone numbers (distributed according to the proportion of the number of users of each operator) were sent a short message with an online version of the questionnaire attached, which the subscribers could complete. Only 10 completed questionnaires (CAWI) were obtained in this way. The remaining 1,090 interviews were conducted by telephone survey. Using the short message service (SMS), it was possible to select valid numbers from those 10,000 randomly generated numbers and call them. Additional phone numbers were generated after the list numbers were exhausted. As a result, 7423 phone calls were made, 15% of which ended with a survey.